2017 Lay Leadership Orientation, Saturday Jan. 21
Join us for a morning of teaching, conversation and prayerful discernment of how to be effective servant leaders in 2017!
When: Saturday, January 21, at 9-11am
Where: Family Life Center Parlor
What: Matt will lead a Lay Leadership Orientation workshop for all incoming and returning leaders and committees. The orientation will utilize the Guidelines for Leading your Congregation texts for various areas of servant leadership. All leaders and committee members are encouraged to attend.
To access a digital copy of the Guideline text for your area of leadership, click here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1V0QHHR7HIMQlFLblo0RW9xWXc
To obtain a printed copy of a Guideline text, please contact Penny Cooper at weaverfirstumc@gmail.com or call the church office, or get one from her this Sunday.