Growing a Spiritual Garden

Our community garden is beginning to bear fruit! We’ve harvested some squash and zucchini, and tomatoes are beginning to ripen. What a beautiful image this gives us of the fruit of the Spirit that God is producing in our church: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23). This list of attributes represent the fruit of a disciple, which we have described as “a person who loves God and others by giving unconditionally and accepting ALL.” People like this are needed more than ever today. As workers in God’s garden, we are continuing to ask ourselves, “How can we grow more fruit?” To this end, we are working through a process of changing our administrative leadership structure to reflect our church vision: a garden of discipleship (read more on this in last month’s newsletter). Here is a brief update on our progress: The “experimental” Church Council, which will function as the Trustees, SPRC, Finance and Council combined, will first meet on Sunday June 25. We will begin with focusing on how this new, simplified administrative leadership council will work. The council will include members to represent all the basic administrative functions of the church. In addition, the council will include three new members to coordinate the three major dimensions of discipleship ministries as described in our vision: UP - transformational worship, IN - radical hospitality, and OUT - extravagant service.

The “3 Dimensional” (3D) Ministry Coordinators will provide support and clear channels of communication for the various ministry teams and leaders in our church. While there will be overlap across these ministry areas, the following are examples of the ministries that would be within the oversight of each 3D Ministry Coordinator:
UP Ministries: Worship Planning Team & Committee, Music Ministry, Sunday School Classes
IN Ministries: Nurture Team, Nursery, Prime Timers, Men’s Fellowship, Small Groups
OUT Ministries: Kids for Christ, Food Pantry, Community Garden, Outreach Events, Scouting Ministries, FLC Community Events, Youth Group
Reports of progress on our leadership plan will continue to be shared. Please share your ideas or concerns with our council Chair, James Markham, and our Nominations and Leadership Development Committee: Paul Sefcik, Cindy Kilgore, Jennifer Johnson, Kathy Williams, Steve Kilgore and me, your pastor and the NLDC chair. We appreciate your prayerful support as we discern God’s will together. Your servant in Christ, Matt Headley