Enough: Discovering Joy Through Simplicity and Generosity

One of Jesus’ great teaching parables involves a sower who cast seed along the ground. The sower hoped the seeds would sprout, grow, and bear good fruit. Some seeds did just that, producing a great harvest. But others, Jesus said, fell among thorns and, though they began to grow, these good plants were quickly choked out. Jesus said the thorns were “the cares of the world and the lure of wealth” (Matthew 13:22).
In a culture where having “enough” seems to have become a never-ending pursuit, Jesus’ parable remains incredibly relevant. Many of us are chasing the American dream in ways that lead to stress, anxiety, and fear—thorns that can rob us of the ability to enjoy the abundant lives of purpose that God intended for us.
All of us have struggled with these issues at one time or another. They are important issues that we cannot ignore. This is why, during the weeks of October, we will be having a church wide study and worship emphasis called Enough: Discovering Joy Through Simplicity and Generosity. During this time we will explore what the Bible teaches us about financial management through corporate worship and small group study. Small groups will be held on Sundays at 8:45am and Wednesdays at 6:00pm.
(Visit https://www.weaverfirstumc.org/small-groups for details about small group study opportunities.) We’ll hear expert advice and stories about what others have learned by working through financial challenges. Each week we will provide you with some practical tools you can use to assess your financial situation and develop a financial plan with a biblical foundation.

At the conclusion of the emphasis, we will have the opportunity to make personal commitments of our offerings to God through our church in the coming year. We will consecrate these commitments in the worship service on two consecutive Sundays. (See the schedule that follows.)
I hope you will join us in the coming weeks as we look at how we can manage our financial resources and truly experience simplicity, generosity, and joy
Participant books are available in the Sanctuary. If you would like to reimburse the church for a book, the cost is $12 each.
Small group leaders and locations are:
Sundays at 8:45am
Dana Bearden & Mary Lou McKinney - Choir Room
Roy Bearden - Church Office
Steve Kilgore & James Markham - FLC Parlor
*On Sundays, small groups will meet at 8:45 in the Sanctuary to view a brief introductory video. We will then divide into separate rooms to meet as groups.*
Wednesdays at 6pm
John Miller & Matt Headley - FLC Parlor. All small group participants are invited to join in the meal at 5:30pm!
Schedule of Events
October 7, “When Dreams Become Nightmares”
October 14, “Wisdom and Finance”
October 21, “Cultivating Contentment”
October 28, “Defined by Generosity”
November 4, Consecration Sunday 1
November 11, Consecration Sunday 2; Small Group Study Ends
December 9, Celebration Sunday