Weaver First UMC is growing a "garden" of Christian discipleship
through transformational worship, radical hospitality and extravagant service.

Vision Prayer:
Oh God, you are the Master Gardener. From the soil you made us to work with you in your garden. Though we sinned, you sent Jesus to get dirt on his hands and feet, setting an example for godly work. In the Garden of Gethsemane, He fell to the ground and prayed for your will to be done. He suffered and died on the cross for our sins, and was buried in the tomb. On the third day, he was raised to life; his resurrection was proclaimed in the garden. By your Holy Spirit remaining in us, till, tend and prune your church to bear fruit and grow disciples of Jesus, so that our work will yield a harvest of peace throughout all creation. May all glory, honor and praise be ever to you, Creator God and Father, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.