Current & Recent Worship Series
Use the media player below to listen to our recent messages, or listen on Faithlife Sermons.

Our church gathers to worship God on Sundays at 10 am in the Sanctuary.
Worship is our response to God's amazing grace that is revealed to us in Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit. Worship for us is not a spectator sport, but a joyful participation in the presence of God.
Worship gatherings will typically include prayer, Scripture reading, preaching, corporate singing led by a contemporary band, piano or choir, silent contemplation, giving of financial gifts, holy communion, and sending into the world to join God in his mission through the Holy Spirit by living the way of Jesus.
Children participate in the main worship gathering until the moment in the liturgy when children ages five and younger are dismissed to go to nursery.
Frequently Asked Questions:
What should I wear?
Whatever you feel comfortable in! Some find that wearing their "Sunday best" is a great way to honor the Lord, and others feel more comfortable being with God and friends in their everyday clothes. “People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” (1 Samuel 16:7 NIV)
Is your worship service contemporary or traditional?
Depending on your perspective, the answer to this question may be "both" or "neither." We might sing a modern chorus after professing our faith by reciting the Apostles' Creed. Or we might follow singing of the "Gloria Patri" with a dramatic enactment of a Bible story in lieu of a sermon. We aim to innovate with integrity, engaging and proclaiming the ancient story of the gospel of Jesus in a modern way.
Sermon Recordings
Use the media player below to listen to our recent messages, or listen on Faithlife Sermons.