Special Guests in Worship (June Newsletter)
Who will join us in worship this month? Bishop Debra Wallace-Padgett will preach God’s Word on June 23. Nate Burch Jr. will continue serving as our Interim Worship Leader. And we will continue welcoming both new guests and “regulars" in worship. The most important guest, however, is the Holy Spirit, who’s historic arrival (Acts 2:1-21) we will celebrate on Pentecost Sunday, June 9. Our celebration will also include a lunch that same day to honor Mrs. Paula Segrest for her 70th birthday and more than 18 years of ministry on staff with our church.
During the “Inheritance of God” worship series that follows Pentecost Sunday, we will discern how the presence of the Holy Spirit affects our life together (series schedule below). We need everyone's help discerning how to have transformational worship gatherings that produce spiritual fruit. Please join us by praying, completing the worship leader survey and engaging Council leaders in the conversation. (online survey: https://www.weaverfirstumc.org/single-post/2019/05/28/Worship-Leader-Survey )
Your servant in Christ,
Pastor Matt
Below is the worship schedule for the Month of June:

June 2 - Loving (Easter Part 2) - Embodied by a Loving God - John 17:20-26 (Ascension Sunday; North AL Annual Conference is June 2-5) June 9 - Loving (Easter Part 2) - Empowered by a Loving God - Acts 2:1-21 (Pentecost Day; Paula Segrest 70th Birthday Lunch) June 16 - Inheritance of God - The Inheritance of Wisdom - Proverbs 8:1-4, 22-31; John 16:12-15 (Trinity Sunday; Father's Day; Peace with Justice Special Sunday Offering) June 23 - Bishop Debra Wallace-Padgett Preaching June 30 - Inheritance of God - The Inheritance of Attentiveness - 1 Kings 19:1-15a