Online Giving Available

We are excited to announce that you can now manage your giving online! Click the link below to give now:
OR send an SMS text message with any dollar amount to 84321 to give.
Text-To-Give Text any amount to #84321 to give.
Set up takes a few minutes and after that donating is as simple as sending a text. Our default fund is the general fund but if you want to designate a fund just put the name in your text after the amount: e.g. $100 Benevolence.
If possible, please use ACH (bank account) as the fees are only 25¢ per transaction. You will also be given the option to cover the fees associated with your online payment.
For those who were giving on the former system, before October 15, 2018:
If you were giving using the old method of electronic giving (through Vanco), we will be cancelling our contract with them to transition to a more modern and cost-effective electronic giving system. If you had recurring donations scheduled on the old system, please login to Vanco ( via the link below and delete your transactions on that system. You can then and create a new recurring gift on the new one via the link above.