All Things New - April Word & Deed
“Then the one seated on the throne said, “Look! I’m making all things new.”” (Revelation 21:5 CEB) Signs of newness fill God's creation...

April Worship Schedule
Beginning Easter Sunday on March 27, we begin an “Eastertide” Worship series, Living the Way. Below are the sermon texts for this month...

New Windows in Sanctuary
Our new windows for the sanctuary have finally arrived! Thanks to the steadfast efforts of our Trustee Board and several other...

Church Picnic at Camp Lee: May 15
Join us to celebrate the unity of Christ’s church on Pentecost Sunday and the baptisms of Ellis Lazarre, Sage and Soren Headley! Worship,...

Pancake Breakfast: Glen Addie Community Church, Children & Youth Ministries Fundraiser
April 2, 6:00 - 11:00 AM. Glen Addie Community Church (a United Methodist Mission) "Our young people will be raising money toward their...

Yard Sale for Charity Success
On March 5, we held a church wide Yard Sale for Charity to replenish our Discretionary Fund. I just want to say thank you to everyone...