Bishops' Day of Prayer “Lord, Teach us to Pray: Prayerful Living in a Broken World"
Bishops' Day of Prayer “Lord, Teach us to Pray: Prayerful Living in a Broken World" Saturday, March 10 9:00am – 3:00pm Clearbranch United...

Holy Week Morning Prayer
Pastor Matt will lead a series of informal #HolyWeekMorningPrayer gatherings in his office on Monday through Saturday of Holy Week, March...

Advent Devotional: The Christmas Code
The church is providing Advent devotionals to church family and friends to help us more fully experience God’s presence during the season...

Celebrating the Harvest: November Word & Deed
Last month I invited the congregation to join me in praying Matthew 9:37-38: [Jesus] said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful,...

Call to Prayer: Workers for the Harvest
“The size of the harvest is bigger than you can imagine, but there are few workers. Therefore, plead with the Lord of the harvest to send...

Pray. Act. - July Word & Deed
God is leading us to action this summer! This is especially clear to me as I lead our Vision Team. This team is working diligently to...

Prayers of our People - June Word & Deed
As we enter the summer months, school semesters wrap-up and regular church activities change pace. As a result, many of us experience a...

Lenten Prayer
This Lent, I invite you to join me in learning the way of Jesus through prayer. Starting Ash Wednesday (February 10), I will be praying...

Emptiness & Fullness
Although February is one day longer than usual this leap year, it’s still the shortest month of the year. Nevertheless, it still feels to...