Harvesting Fruit
Healthy tomatoes, peppers, and squash plants are growing in my backyard raised vegetable garden beds, but so far, I’ve only harvested a...

A Garden for the Community
Our vision for the community garden is to provide healthy eating alternatives for people in our community. The vision is to offer...

Fast and Pray April 15-May 20
Our church will enter a season of fasting and prayer for five weeks (April 15-May 20/Pentecost) to align our will with God's desire to...

Earth Day Weekend
The following is a report from Candy Sefcik, Property Ministry Coordinator Saturday April 21, was a workday at the church. We had a great...

Growing a Spiritual Garden
Our community garden is beginning to bear fruit! We’ve harvested some squash and zucchini, and tomatoes are beginning to ripen. What a...

Leading in the Garden
Church, I'm filled with gratitude for beginning a third year as your pastor this June. By God’s grace, we've seen awesome transformation...

A Workday at the Garden - Saturday, March 11
Garden Workday: Saturday, March 11, 2017, 12-4pm Prepare, plant, tend, harvest – Laugh, work, and fellowship – Put God’s love into action...