A Workday at the Garden - Saturday, March 11

Garden Workday:
Prepare, plant, tend, harvest – Laugh, work, and fellowship – Put God’s love into action by serving others
Meet us at The Garden for a time of cleaning the land to prepare it for planting. Bring along your rakes, string trimmers, pruning tools, etc. if you have them. We hope to complete many of the following items:
Cut down trees
Dig up bushes
Move junk pile
Clear off land
Move old trailer
Till small patch
Clear bank
Location: behind the Family Life Center

Weaver First United Methodist Church
545 Anniston ST. WEAVER, AL 36277
“If you open your heart to the hungry... The LORD will guide you continually... You will be like a watered garden, like a spring of water that won’t run dry.” (Isaiah 58:10–11 CEB)