Happy Pentecost! Raising the Roof, Commissioning & Annual Conference

This Sunday in worship we will celebrate Pentecost, the event depicted in Acts chapter 2 when the Holy Spirit was poured out on Jesus’ apostles and gave birth to the Church as we know it. As we celebrate in worship through Word and Table, three important things will be happening:
Raising the Roof
First, we will launch our ministry expansion project, called "Raising the Roof: A 20/20 Vision,” to repair the roof on our Family Life Center. This project will begin with a special offering invitation during worship, and a potluck lunch at 11am in the FLC. You can read more about “Raising the Roof" on our website. Please prayerfully consider how God might be calling you to give.
Also, we will commission and send our Discipleship Team into new ministries of leadership. Each of these individuals have begun doing new things through our first year together as a team:
Dalton Arnett - witness to youth, preaching
John DiMartino - cub scouting
Steve Kilgore - community garden
Cindy Kilgore - food pantry & outreach
John Miller - Financial Peace University
Corey Railey - preaching
Krystal Railey - youth ministry
Annual Conference
Finally, John DiMartino and I will travel with my family to Huntsville to participate in the 2017 North Alabama UMC Annual Conference, June 4-6. Please pray for our safe travels and participation in this ministry with the connectional church. You can read more about the conference on the North Alabama Conference website: http://www.umcna.org/
I'm looking forward to experiencing God’s presence with you this Sunday!
Your servant in Christ,
Matt Headley
Image: "Descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost," detail of mosaic by Anna Wyner at Our Lady of Walsingham. Image by Lawrence OP via Flickr licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0.