Church Without Walls, Sunday October 8

UPDATE: Due to expected inclement weather, #ChurchWithoutWallsWeaver has been rescheduled for Sunday, October 15. As long as the weather permits, we will still have a simple worship gathering tomorrow at 10am, along with Sunday School and Discipleship Groups at 9am. Charge Conference at Anniston First UMC has been canceled and will be rescheduled. Stay safe, and God bless!
Original post:
Church Without Walls is next Sunday, October 8! We will gather in the sanctuary at 10am for a brief prayer and get to work. Which ministry will you participate in? Would you be willing to lead a group, or organize one around a ministry not listed here? Tell Cindy Rust Kilgore​ or Matthew Paul Headley​ about it! #churchwithoutwallsweaver
Clean/prepare Community Garden for fall planting
Donate food/toiletry items for pantry (Leader: Cindy Kilgore)
Donate / Prepare Military Care Packages
Visit Homebound Members
Provide water/snack and offer to pray with people visiting a local park or another public area.
Youth Service Project (Leader: Krystal Railey)