2018 Church Council Update
The new Church Council for 2018 has met several times this year to begin preparing for leadership in 2018. This new council, utilizing a simplified form of leadership, will function as the Council, Finance, Staff-Parish Relations and Trustee Committees. To enhance communication within the church, Penny Cooper, our Secretary, will be sharing council minutes of each business meeting in the monthly newsletter.

The Council plans to meet twice a month throughout the year for “Loving, Learning & Leading.” Typically, on the first Sunday of each month, we will meet for “Loving & Learning:” sharing a meal, Glory sightings of God’s work in our church, and practicing spiritual formation. We will then meet again on the third Thursday of each month for “Leading”–conducting the business of the church. All council meetings will be open for anyone to attend, except for times designated for Staff-Parish Relations work. If anyone wishes to attend a meeting and lets a council member know, we will be better equipped to accommodate guests.
Our 2018 Council Members are (with class years beside their names):
Corey Railey 2019 Chairperson & Lay Member to A.C.
Steve Kilgore 2018 Lay Leader & Staff-Parish Relations
Penelope Cooper 2018 Secretary
John Miller 2019 Finance Chair
Candy Sefcik 2020 Property Chair & Reserve Lay Member to A.C.
Evelyn Thompson 2019 Hospitality Ministries Coordinator (IN)
Cindy Kilgore 2020 Service Ministries Coordinator (OUT)
Matt Headley Pastor & Worship Ministries Coordinator (UP)
Click here for the most complete and current list of spiritual leaders in our church, or visit our website: http://www.weaverfirstumc.org/spiritual-leaders.
You can read more about the formation of this council on our website, in the May and June 2017 newsletters, and on the following blog posts:
Please pray for the 2018 Council and all of our church leaders as we strive to provide effective spiritual leadership for our church!
Penny Cooper, 2017 & 2018 Council Secretary
Matt Headley, Pastor