Earth Day Weekend
The following is a report from Candy Sefcik, Property Ministry Coordinator
Saturday April 21, was a workday at the church. We had a great turn out and did a lot of work. During our workday on Saturday, we came together and worked on some small maintenance and repair projects and engaged in preparation of our community garden, which will benefit the community. In our "Rise Up" series Matt discussed that as God's servants, we are being challenged to listen, move and answer the call. It was evident from the hard work that took place during Earth Day weekend, that God's Garden of disciples moved to answer the call of growing in faith, fellowship, and servanthood.
As your Property Representative on our council, I still ask for your help and discernment as we work together to identify needed work that we as God’s “garden-keepers” can do by caring for the buildings and grounds.
Along with the garden the ladies of the Ruth Bible class spurred a group of workers to grind and repaint the front railings on the porch, they did a great job and the rails look much better.
Mr. Roy Bearden and Mr. Jeff Badgett worked on bricking up the window on the back side of the church.
On Sunday, we were going to do Church Without Walls, but the weather changed that. Instead we worked on tiling the floor in the education building, and Matt and Corey Railey went out picking up trash on the side of the road. That again was a good day. God is a work in the church to make Weaver Green again.
There is still much work to be done and so we ask for your input, your support, and feedback on how we can help God’s Garden grow by being good stewards of all that we have been given.
Church Without Walls
Earth Day Weekend
April 21-22
9 am-noon
-work in the Community Garden! -Prayer walk / litter pick-up -visit the homebound -write letters to community members & leaders
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