Fast and Pray April 15-May 20

Our church will enter a season of fasting and prayer for five weeks (April 15-May 20/Pentecost) to align our will with God's desire to feed the hungry:
"You’re blessed when you’re ravenously hungry. Then you’re ready for the Messianic meal."
- Luke 6:21, The Message
You are encouraged to fast for at least two meals a week (on Mondays and Thursdays) during these five weeks.
It is important that you check with your physician before attempting a total fast (no food, water only) for more than 24 hours. Click here for more on fasting.
When you fast, you can pray for the following ministries each week:
April 15-21, Miniature Food Pantry
April 22-28, Community Garden
April 29-May 5, Community Meal (May 9)
May 6-May 12, Kids for Christ & New LIfe Food Teams
May 13-19, Church Leaders “Hunger & Thirst” for Righteousness (Luke 5:21MSG, Matt 5:6)
We will break the fast with a celebration of Pentecost and a meal on Sunday, May 20.
Thank you for joining us in this important time of growing God's Garden of discipleship!