Harvesting Fruit
Healthy tomatoes, peppers, and squash plants are growing in my backyard raised vegetable garden beds, but so far, I’ve only harvested a...

Special Guests in Worship (June Newsletter)
Who will join us in worship this month? Bishop Debra Wallace-Padgett will preach God’s Word on June 23. Nate Burch Jr. will continue...

Easter: A New Creation
“So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new!” — 2 Cor. 5:17...

#SeeAllthePeople Worship Series
Roughly 7,000 people live within a 2-mile radius of our church. When I take time to walk or bike through a part of our community that I...

Greater Gifts Worship Series
"What did you get for Christmas this year?" Keeping our adolescent detachment, my friends and I attempted to mask our curiosity about...

God's Dwelling
Where is God dwelling? As leaves turn bright crimson and orange and the air cools, we are witnessing “glory sightings” of God’s presence...

Flourish: September Worship Series
“Make Weaver Green Again!” This phrase has been on our church sign for most of the summer, and I’ve heard the question a few times: ...

Transitions Worship Series
During Worship in June we will be reading through the stories of 1 Samuel and the establishment of the monarchy of Israel. These stories...

Coming Home
“In the United States, Christmastime and thoughts of home just go together. “I’ll be Home for Christmas,” and “There’s No Place Like Home...

God's Creative Connection
In June and July we are experiencing a worship series called “God’s Creative Connection,” focusing on stories from the Old Testament book...