Small Groups Summer-Fall 2019
Small group opportunities are being developed for this fall, including groups that will read together one of the books on fruitfulness...

Fruitful Congregations
I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, then you will produce much fruit. Without me, you can’t do...

Enough: Discovering Joy Through Simplicity and Generosity
One of Jesus’ great teaching parables involves a sower who cast seed along the ground. The sower hoped the seeds would sprout, grow, and...

Sharing Spiritual Gifts
How can you build up the church and God's kingdom? By using your spiritual gifts! "We have different gifts that are consistent with God’s...

Baptism & Membership Class
Sundays April 29-May 20 at 9am Pastor Matt will lead a class for all people seeking membership & baptism or have recently joined. We will...

Rehab - Lent Worship & Small Group Series
Do you feel stuck in life? Do you need a new normal? If we're really honest, all of us do... Join us this season of Lent in a journey...

Book Study: Walking with Nehemiah
Book Study: Walking with Nehemiah: Your Community Is Your Congregation by Joe Daniels Sundays at 9am, beginning in February. Copies of...

Discipleship Groups, Sundays at 9am
With our new Sunday morning schedule, we have launched several new Discipleship Groups and Sunday School classes. Below is a list of...