Worship Series: "Loving Justice” - July 10-August 7
God speaks to his church through two of his prophets, Amos and Hosea, in the Old Testament. Our worship during this series, called “Loving Justice," will have a special emphasis on works of righteousness and social justice. On August 7, the series will conclude with a “Church Without Walls” Sunday, in which we will take part in various service activities in lieu of a traditional worship service. More details on this special Sunday are to come.
Below are the texts for this month. I encourage you to read the entire book of Amos and Hosea to get the full impact of their voice for God's people today.
July 10 Loving Justice Amos Part 1 Amos 5:13-15, 21-24; 7:7-17 July 17 Loving Justice Amos Part 2 Amos 5:13-15; 21-24; 8:1-12 July 24 Loving Justice Hosea Part 1 Hosea 1:2-10; 6:6 July 31 Loving Justice Hosea Part 2 Hosea 6:6; 11:1-11 August 7 Loving Justice Church Without Walls