Pray. Act. - July Word & Deed

God is leading us to action this summer! This is especially clear to me as I lead our Vision Team. This team is working diligently to complete a process of discerning God’s vision for our church. After taking a season to pause and listen to our community, we have resumed meeting regularly and are engaging prayer partners in the congregation for each member of the team. Please join us in praying that God would reveal to us the best way to form disciples in this time and place. We are on schedule to complete the visioning process in August.
On July 10 our church will begin a series in worship focusing on the Old Testament prophetic books of Amos and Hosea. While we will only engage a portion of these two books, I encourage you to read them in their entirety to prepare for worship. During this series, we will discern together how God is calling us to “love justice.” Our worship during this series will have a special emphasis on works of righteousness and social justice. On August 7, the series will conclude with a “Church Without Walls” Sunday, in which we will take part in various service activities in lieu of a traditional worship service. More details on this special Sunday are to come.
Several members of our church have joined me in prayer in the morning and evening on Wednesdays. Our prayers have been guided by the book Common Prayer: A Liturgy for Ordinary Radicals by Shane Claiborne, Jonathan Wilson-Hargrove and Enuma Okoro. Prayer times include scripture reading, guided and spontaneous prayer, silence and calls to action. You can find these prayer liturgies online at or you may purchase a copy of the book on Please join me to pray as you are able in person at 8am and 7:15pm or wherever you are in the morning and evening.
God is at work in our midst! I’m excited to see the church he is forming us to become. Thank you for your prayers and faithful service of making disciples.
Your Servant in Christ, –Matt Headley
Download the July Word & Deed here: