Growing a Spiritual Garden
Our community garden is beginning to bear fruit! We’ve harvested some squash and zucchini, and tomatoes are beginning to ripen. What a...

This is the Life!
Did you "get a life” during Lent? As we conclude the season of Lent, we will witness Jesus’ brutal suffering and death. We will follow...

Get a Life: The Lenten Call to Discipleship
No offense, but you may need to get a life... Okay, so maybe that is a little offensive. But it’s basically the same statement Jesus made...

Salt and Light (Word & Deed February Newsletter)
The season of Epiphany, which spans the duration of February this year, is quickly becoming one of my favorite seasons of the church...

Come and See: Jesus. In. Lights.
How did you first encounter Jesus? What difference did that encounter make in your life? What difference is Jesus making in your life...

2017 Resolutions: Earn, Save & Give
Happy New Year! As we begin this "Year of our Lord," 2017, many people will be making new year’s resolutions. Some will resolve to begin...

Upside-Down Christmas
Last month my wife Heather began leading an Advent-themed study during the Sunday School hour. The study, entitled “Down to Earth” was...

Celebrating the Harvest: November Word & Deed
Last month I invited the congregation to join me in praying Matthew 9:37-38: [Jesus] said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful,...

Growing Together (October Newsletter)
Our church vision, growing a garden of disciples, involves the launching of several new ministries to plant, tend and harvest in God’s...

The Church We are Becoming
On Sunday, August 7 at 9am, after gathering in the Sanctuary for prayer and Holy Communion, our church dispersed into our community to...