Safe Sanctuary Policy Updated for 2019
Our Safe Sanctuary policy was updated by John DiMartino and approved by our Church Council on September 20. All volunteers working with...

Enough: Discovering Joy Through Simplicity and Generosity
One of Jesus’ great teaching parables involves a sower who cast seed along the ground. The sower hoped the seeds would sprout, grow, and...

Flourish: September Worship Series
“Make Weaver Green Again!” This phrase has been on our church sign for most of the summer, and I’ve heard the question a few times: ...

Sharing Spiritual Gifts
How can you build up the church and God's kingdom? By using your spiritual gifts! "We have different gifts that are consistent with God’s...

"In Love" Ephesians Worship Series
In this series of texts from Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, there are concrete actions that Paul suggests, and they all have their...

PowerUP Worship in Weaver Park
6-9pm, July 28. Come enjoy a night of music with Matt & Heather Headley, CF Worship, and RENDERLIGHT!!! Guest speaker will be Natasha...

Community Meal in Elwell Park
Join us at Elwell Park for hamburgers, hotdogs, sides, and dessert. All are welcome!! July 12, 5-6:30pm Elwell Park (in Weaver, next to...

A Garden for the Community
Our vision for the community garden is to provide healthy eating alternatives for people in our community. The vision is to offer...

Healing Hands Worship Series
Throughout the month of July, we will encounter stories in the gospel readings that focus on the healing power of Jesus. Jesus’ power of...

Transitions Worship Series
During Worship in June we will be reading through the stories of 1 Samuel and the establishment of the monarchy of Israel. These stories...