Community Meal A Great Success
Through our generous service and hospitality, we were able to provide a community meal last month. We were truly blown away by the number...

Krystal's Testimony
On Easter Sunday, 2018, we witnessed three individuals make new beginnings in their faith. One of those souls, Krystal Railey, reaffirmed...

Baptism & Membership Class
Sundays April 29-May 20 at 9am Pastor Matt will lead a class for all people seeking membership & baptism or have recently joined. We will...

Fast and Pray April 15-May 20
Our church will enter a season of fasting and prayer for five weeks (April 15-May 20/Pentecost) to align our will with God's desire to...

Earth Day Weekend
The following is a report from Candy Sefcik, Property Ministry Coordinator Saturday April 21, was a workday at the church. We had a great...

Easter Egg Extravaganza
Easter Egg Hunt - Saturday, March 31, 11am. A joint effort of Westwood Baptist Church and the Spirit of Weaver. Contact Dana Bearden,...

Ministry Celebration Lunch, March 4
The church and all visitors are invited to a Ministry Celebration Lunch on Sunday, March 4 after worship. This will be a time to...

Bishops' Day of Prayer “Lord, Teach us to Pray: Prayerful Living in a Broken World"
Bishops' Day of Prayer “Lord, Teach us to Pray: Prayerful Living in a Broken World" Saturday, March 10 9:00am – 3:00pm Clearbranch United...

Holy Week Morning Prayer
Pastor Matt will lead a series of informal #HolyWeekMorningPrayer gatherings in his office on Monday through Saturday of Holy Week, March...

Reaching Others for Christ: Joe Daniels (Walking with Nehemiah) District Event
Reaching Others for Christ: Joe Daniels (Walking with Nehemiah) District Event: Learn practical steps from Rev. Dr. Joe W. Daniels Jr. as...